Custom Software Solutions

Enabling software development, modernizing legacy systems, and consolidating app portfolios for the past 44 years.

Our Process

Our Custom Software Development services enable a robust digital transformation for your business.  We design and develop tailored-fit solutions to deliver maximal outcomes within your existing technology ecosystem.   Whether you're rethinking your customer interactions or optimizing operational efficiency, our solutions deliver tangible benefits that your business needs to grow.   Our unique methodology includes a perfect blend of leveraging new technologies and adopting industry-leading best practices, with an aim to provide the BEST in class, always.

Discover, Explore the Technology

Define the objectives and expore possibilities.

Discuss Direction & Strategy

Solidify the dfiretion, stratagize the solution.

Prototype, Design & Direction

Digital product UX, design & development.

Deploy, Review & Maintain

Implement the solution, manage upgrades & support.

SEO Enabled

Automatic sitemaps, RSS feeds, pagination and collections take the pain out of SEO and syndication. It just works!


We actively mentor others, share our knowledge, contribute to open source and support causes and organizations we feel better humanity.

Private Blockchain - Samaritan Core ®

Our "Samaritan Core ®" platform delivers exceptional secure private blockchain for our customers. Our designers stay ahead of the curve to provide innovative blockchain features in our platform. Our developers are committed to maintaining the highest web standards so that your private blockchain solution will withstand the test of time. We care about your business.


Grouped transactions added to a container akin to a ledger page.


Mathematical structure for storing blockis via cryptographic signatures.

Digital Identity

A blockchain-based one party verified digital identity returning ownership.

Digital Signatures

A mathematical scheme for verifying digital data & authenticity integrity.

Hash Function

Reveives input of any size and returns a unique string of a uniform length.


Where two or more systems exchange data across a network.

Public / Private Keys

A public key is derrived from a private key used to encrypt data.

Multi-Language Support

Native Language decloration passed with blocks for recipient transactions.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P)

A direct connection computers in a system use to communicate & share data.


Database or file partitioning separated into smaller, faster manageable parts.

Smart Contracts

Programs on a blockchain ran when predetermined conditions are met.

Optimized for Performance

An ARQ customized private blockchain tweaked to your specific needs.

We work with your technologies

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Customers are shocked at our value and love our results.
Let ARQ lead you through digital transformation journey.